exponential growth definition dictionary

exponential decay translation French | English-French dictionary.
ARITHMETIC GROWTH meaning | Ecology Dictionary.
Raised | Define Raised at Dictionary.com.
Vast definition, of very great area or extent; immense: the vast reaches of outer space.. antibiotics used on farms today are added to animal feed solely to stimulate growth.. vast amounts of digital information, which is growing exponentially.
impede - definition of impede by the Free Online Dictionary.
exponential growth definition dictionary
Grows exponentially - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionary.EXPONENTIAL Meaning and Definition - Dictionary - eLook.org.
Translation of Exponential growth in English - Babylon.
exponential growth definition dictionary
Meme plague | Define Meme plague at Dictionary.com.Vast definition, of very great area or extent; immense: the vast reaches of outer space.. antibiotics used on farms today are added to animal feed solely to stimulate growth.. vast amounts of digital information, which is growing exponentially.
exponential decay translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also. The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.
Gradual definition, taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little: gradual. Evolution is certainly not an exponential process, but a gradual one. Through gradual growth, the forelimbs would have evolved into wings.
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